The First Article
Naming things is difficult, so naturally, I didn’t bother putting any thought into naming this article.
Why now?
I’ve owned my canonical domain for many years, and I’ve never given too much thought to utilizing it for more than just email. It’s not because I’ve never had anything to write about, it’s just that I’ve long struggled to actually pick up the confidence to share my internal ramblings with anyone else.
Now - almost a decade into my career - is a good time to start jotting down my experiences, rant and grumble, and more importantly, share knowledge through instructive tutorials.
Having become a parent, it’s my hope that one day that should my children ever want to follow in my footsteps they can relive mine.
The future
A glimpse of article subjects to come:
- Infrastructure engineering
- Terraform
- Typescript
- Distributed systems
- Microservice architectures
- Dev(Sec)Ops culture/tooling
As time goes on, I will learn what to write (better) and what not to write about at all.
I’m very much aware that many technical writers these days, for better or worse tend to be quite junior, or are generally new to something they are writing about. The articles they write end up propagating through the usual channels, e.g. Medium -> Reddit. I do not intend to follow this practice, and I’m not going to write articles or tutorials about technologies, subjects or practices I’m not experienced in. If you catch me in the act, please highlight it.